Simply put, acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing.

By inserting sterile, hair-fine needles to patient specific points, acupuncture balances, strengthens and unblocks stagnant areas that may be causing you pain and leading to illness. 

Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been extensively studied and successfully used for centuries in China and throughout Asia. Acupuncture, coupled with herbal medicine, are the primary aspects of TCM that have been advocated by the World Health Organization as reliable therapies for a multitude of conditions.  

TCM views the body as a complex network of electrical energy systems (meridians).

Each meridian has multiple links to various organs, tissues and aspects of growth and development. When we are in balance, these systems flow freely providing our bodies with optimal health and support. Depending on diet, lifestyle, emotional stresses and genetics, these systems can easily become imbalanced leading to the stagnation of energy (Qi). Over time, these stagnations can manifest as various physical and emotional illnesses. Acupuncture aims to unblock these imbalanced energy systems and ultimately restore the body to its naturally healthy state.  

Clinically speaking, acupuncture works in several ways.

As each needle passes through the skin’s surface, the immune system is activated and blood flow (circulation) is increased to the needling site. Additionally, certain points stimulate the nervous system to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain. These chemicals can control and alter many functions of our regulatory systems.  

For musculoskeletal injuries, greater circulation means faster healing. For pain management, acupuncture increases levels of adenosine, an anti-inflammatory and natural painkiller, in the damaged tissue.  If you suffer from sleep disorders, depression or anxiety, acupuncture is proven to release dopamine and serotonin which are essential to mood stability and relaxation.  For digestive issues, acupuncture can regulate gastrointestinal contractions and reduce lactic acid secretions. The scope of practice is seldom limited.  




Does It Work?

Absolutely! There have been hundreds of studies and documentation over centuries to support the efficacy of this medicine. As with all medicines, the body needs time to heal itself. Depending on your age, health and condition you may feel better right away or it could take weeks or months to fully recover. You will be given an estimated course of treatment on your initial visit.


Does It Hurt?

No, it doesn’t hurt. Acupuncture needles are very thin. About 26 can fit into the head of a standard hypodermic needle. They bend and move gently through the skin’s surface rarely disturbing the underlying nerves or vasculature.

On occasion patients will note an itching, buzzing, or the simple sensation that “something is happening” around the insertion site. These are common reactions and vary with each person and each treatment. However, most people find acupuncture extremely relaxing.  


Whats Should I Expect On My First Visit?

Initial visits generally last from 60-90 minutes. TCM takes a “whole body” approach to health. This means that we will take into account your whole self, not just your symptoms to address the root of your health concerns.

There will be a thorough intake of your past and current health history and a physical exam performed. During this time we will also be able to address your questions.  We can then decide on the best course of treatment for you.  Once the session begins and the needles have been inserted you will have 30 minutes to relax.  

Follow up visits generally last from 45 minutes to an hour. 

As with all visits, it is important that you have had something to eat and drink before coming in.  It is also best to schedule on days where you will have some time to relax afterwards as treatments may temporarily leave you lightheaded or fatigued.